Monday, August 13, 2007

Multilingual Resources #1

Over my years of teaching and working as a workshop leader for the IBO, I have gathered a number of websites, articles, and resources which I have found useful. I'll add to this list in upcoming posts, but I thought it would be a good idea to get started now.

One of the most important researchers in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) is Dr. Jim Cummins from Canada. His website is a fantastic resource and includes articles like, "Bilingual Children's Mother Tongues: Why It Is Important for Education".

Multilingual Matters is a publishing company which concentrates on all areas of language learning and acquisition.

Bilingual Options provide services to families and children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Bilingual Options is here in Melbourne.

TCK's or "Third Culture Kids" are those children who spend a good portion of their childhood or young adult life growing up in a culture(s) that is not their parents and who develop a relationship to both cultures. TCKs are often the children of diplomats, business executives, international school teachers, missionaries, or servicemen and women. I've included this link here because I'm particularly interested in TCKs and their journeys. Having worked in international schools, I taught TCKs. My children will be TCKs because they will have parents from mixed backgrounds. I am American, my husband is German, and we currently live in Australia, with our future plans being to return to Asia. Our children will certainly be TCKs and will need to learn how to negotiate and operate in more than one language and more than one culture.

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